篇名:Contour Accentuation for Transfer Learning-Based Ship Recognition Method
作者:Chi-Hua Chen(陈志华), Yizhuo Zhang(张翊卓), Wenzhong Guo*, Mingyang Pan, Lingjuan Lyu, Chia-Yu Lin
来源:Proceedings of the 2020 Web Conference (formerly known as WWW conference)(TheWebConf 2020), Taipei, TaiwanApril 20th-24th, 2020. (ACM)(CCF Rank A)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3366424.3382697
This study proposes a ship recognition system which includes intelligent bridge piers and a ship recognition server. The ship recognition server can analyse the contour features of ship images from intelligent bridge piers by the proposed contour accentuation method; the ship image with contour accentuation can be adopted as the inputs of transfer learning-based neural network for ship classification by the proposed transfer learning-based ship recognition method. In practical experiments, the results showed that the proposed transfer learning-based ship recognition method with contour accentuation can obtain higher accuracy, and the accuracy of the proposed method was 97.79%.